Crispy Bakwan Sayur Recipe (No Onion No Garlic Vegetable Fritter) by Archana's Kitchen
Bakwan is Indonesian vegetarian version of tempura, which is a popular Japanese fritter. Just like making a tempura, you will need to decide on your ingredients, this usually consists of assortment of vegetables. And you will need to prepare...
Bakwan Sayur | How to make Indonesian Vegetable Fritters
For the third and final day of making Fritters from different cuisines, I have one from Indonesia called as the Bakwan. This is their version of Tempura. And depending on the ingredients you add, the name changes. The most common is the vegetable version...
Crispy Shrimp Fritters (Bakwan Udang) - Piggy Out
Bakwan is one of the classic fried snacks in Indonesia, besides perkedel kentang. Bakwan udang or shrimp fritters is the most common one and the easiest one that you can find in Indonesia. As far as the taste goes, Bakwan udang (shrimp fritters) is savory...
Bakwan Sayur Bala Bala Renyah dan Lezat - Resep | ResepKoki
Bakwan sering dijadikan camilan atau teman makan nasi. Rasa gurih dan renyahnya disukai semua orang. Harga bakwan juga relatif murah, serta mudah untuk dibuat. Hanya memerlukan tepung terigu, aneka macam sayuran dan bumbu yang dicampur menjadi adonan...