Bandung, sirap bandung, air bandung, iced bandung or rose syrup drink is a drink popular in Maritime Southeast Asia, notably in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. It consists of evaporated milk or condensed milk flavoured with rose syrup , giving it a pink colour. The term bandung means "pairs", while sirap means "syrup" and air means "water". in the Malay and Indonesian languages, and the sirap refers to the rose-flavoured base syrup. More broadly, bandung refers to anything that is mixed from other ingredients or comes in pairs, such as the term rumah berbandung to refer to a semi-detached house, or "mee bandung" which refers to a noodle dish. The name has no connection to the city of Bandung in Indonesia, but a variant of the drink can be found there as "soda gembira".
Source: Wikipedia