
Fulkopi posto | Fulkopi niramish recipe | Posto recipe Bengali | Cauliflower poppy seeds curry - Rumki's Golden Spoon
Fulkopi posto is one of the most salivating Bengali veg recipe which is renowned for its extraordinary flavour and irresistible taste. It is hugely popular among Bengalis all over the world. In this preparation, cauliflower florets are cooked in poppy...

Aloo Potol Posto Recipe (Aloo Parwal in Poppy Seed Masala Recipe) by Archana's Kitchen
Aloo Potol Posto Recipe (Aloo Parwal in Poppy Seed Masala Recipe) is a typical Bengali vegetarian dish made with "Potol" also called as "Parwal" (Indian Gherkin) combined with potato. The masala is separately roasted and ground to give it an extra...