
Badam Halwa Recipe - Almond Halwa Recipe by Archana's Kitchen
Badam Halwa Recipe is a classic Indian dessert recipe that is packed with flavors from badam and made along with khoya to make it rich and delicious.
The Badam Halwa Recipe is one of the most delicious halwa recipes from the Indian cuisine to prepare...

बादाम हलवा - Badam Halwa Recipe, Badam Halva, Badam Ka Halwa, Almond Fudge -
दाम हलवा बहुत स्वादिष्ट होता है, बादाम में प्रोटीन ,कैल्शियम, पोटेशियम और मैगनीशियम होता है, इसमें विटामिन E प्रचुर मात्रा में पाया जाता है, यदि 5-6 बादाम रोज खाये जाय तो वे एक टोनिक का काम करते है. बादाम का हलवा (Badam ka Halwa) जच्चा को बनाकर खिलाया...

Badam Ka Halwa (Almond Halwa) | New
Badam Ka Halwa made with almonds is a delicacy rooted in Indian tradition. Try this quick and easy microwave recipe which takes less than half the time, but is equally toothsome and delightful. Make it on special occasions like Diwali and savor the unparalleled...