Mantu Afghani Dumpling Chaat Recipe by Sareen Madhiyan - Tappa Kamala Mills - NDTV Food
Mantu Afghani Dumpling Chaat Recipe - Mantu Afghani Dumpling Chaat Recipe: Bringing the best of both worlds, Tappa brings together 'Dumpling' and 'Chaat' to make for a perfect morsel of veggies or chicken that is topped with chutneys and chaat garnishes...
AFGHAN MEAT DUMPLING - MANTOO — Home | Afghan Culture Unveiled
by Humaira For many years I hosted an Afghan dinner as an auction item for my daughter’s school fundraiser. I found myself slaving over the meal for many days and at the end there was nothing to show for my hours of labor except for a kitchen full...
Manti, Turkish dumplings with ground meat, onion and spices | Ozlem's Turkish TableOzlem's Turkish Table
These delicious tiny treasures, Manti or Mantu, dumplings with spiced ground meat and onion, is one of the all time favorite dishes in Turkey. In especially Anatolia, family members gather to prepare…...