How to prepare muriwo weRape and having it crisp - ZimboKitchen
This is one of my favorite green leafy vegetables. I believe it’s important not to overcook food more so vegetables because not only would the food become bland but you will also lose the nutritional value you are supposed to get from that food. This...
How to cook Mutsine (Blackjack leaves) - ZimboKitchen
Growing up, my mum made tsine (blackjack leaves) for my siblings and I. Being kids, we used to despise it! Despite her telling us how healthy it is. I guess the fact that we would see her picking it from the garden or around the yard, our minds already...
Mugaiwa served with Shredded Beef nemuriwo - ZimboKitchen
Sadza remugaiwa, (straight run) is one of the popular mealie-meals in Zimbabwe. Straight-run mealie-meal is one that has just been milled once and is preferred among those that want to eat healthy as it has more nutrients preserved when compared to the...
How to make Creamed Spinach - ZimboKitchen
I remember this one time as a child when my grandmother came to visit us. She made this delicious creamed spinach for us. Before her visit I used to despise spinach but after eating it I was sold over and up until now I’m still sold! This is my effort […]...
How to cook muriwo uneDovi (greens in peanut butter) - ZimboKitchen
How to cook muriwo unedovi is one of our traditional recipes here in Zimbabwe. The taste of the finished product is just absolutely delicious. My kids, include my 1 year old daughter wiped their plates clean and were ready for a second helping each! I...
How to make creamed Tsunga (mustard greens) - ZimboKitchen
This is a pretty quick and simple recipe but the results are just fantastic. This is just one of the many ways you can have your tsunga (mustard greens). We’ll get right into it. Quick Instructions Wash and cut your tsunga (1 bunch) and get your other...
Fried steak mince neMuriwo (Veggies) - ZimboKitchen
Most of us in Zimbabwe grew up eating muriwo (veggies) in one form or another. In fact, the generality of households in Zim have backyard gardens with some form of veggies taking sprout at any given time. It is interesting that the concept of backyard...