Bread, made with wheat, rice, sesame, many different types

Mkate wa Sinia (Rice and Coconut Cake) - Fauzia’s Kitchen Fun
For serving, I prefer to make 2 small 6" cakes rather than on large. Soak the rice overnight or for at least 5-6 hours Drain the rice and pour half of it into the blender. Add the yeast and cardamom powder, half of the heavy coconut milk and half of the...

M - Mkate Wa Ufuta - Zanzibar Sesame Bread - A-Z Flat Breads Around The World – Gayathri's Cook Spot
We are on the last day of the second week and I am so enjoying reading so many posts on flat breads. I am not sure how to pronounce the bread for today, but the name was perfect for the alphabet M …...

Mkate wa Sinia / Mkate wa Kumimina / Rice and Coconut Cake - Jikoni Magic
Mkate wa sinia is one of those very common delicacies found in East Africa, especially along the coastal strip. It’s also known as mkate wa kumimina. I will start by breaking down the different terminologies for the non Swahili speakers who are reading...