
Mini Vitumbua - Step by Step - Fauzia’s Kitchen Fun
Soak the rice overnight, and then drain completely. Make sure no water remains in the rice, and you can do this by leaving it in a sieve to drain for as long as you can. STEP 1: Put the rice, coconut milk, yeast and cardamom powder into your blender...

539. Vitumbua (coconut rice pancake balls) - Mayuri's Jikoni breakfast, cardamom, coconut, coconut milk, desserts, Kenyan Cuisine, orange syrup, rice, Street food, Swahili cuisine
Vitumbua #BreadBakers From the East Coast of Africa Vitumbua (singular kitumbua) pronounced as vee toom booa are the local answer to pancakes/ doughnuts in East Africa especially in Tanzania and th…...