
Moin moin

Moin-Moin, Moi-Moi or Olele is a steamed or boiled bean pudding made from a mixture of washed and peeled beans and onions, fresh red peppers, spices, and often fish, eggs, chicken and/or crayfish. It is a protein-rich Yoruba food that is commonly eaten across Yorubaland and close regions in West Africa. Moi-moi is made of soaked beans ground into a fine paste which is mixed with dried crayfish, vegetable oil, and seasonings. Some add sardines, corned beef,shredded chicken, sliced boiled eggs, or other garnishes. Moin-moin usually comes in a slanted pyramid shape, cylindrical shape, cone shape or other shape of the mold it is poured into prior to cooking. The pyramid shape comes from the traditional broad Ewe Eran (Thaumatococcus daniellii), or banana leaves fashioned into a cone in one's palm. Then the seasoned and garnished paste is poured into the leaves, which are folded. The cylindrical shapes come from when empty cans or foil are used.

Source: Wikipedia
