Recipes From Sergipe

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Black-eyed pea fritters stuffed with onion, shrimp and vatapa


Caldinho de feijão

Black bean soup with beef or pork



Caruru (brazilian portuguese: [kaɾu'ɾu]) is a brazilian food made from okra, onion, shrimp, palm oil and toasted nuts (peanuts and/or cashews). it is a typical condiment in the northeastern state of bahia, where it is commonly eaten with acarajé, an afro-brazilian street food made from mashed black-eyed peas formed into a ball and then deep-fried in palm oil.

Side, Snack, Appetizer


Jerky is lean trimmed meat that has been cut into strips and dried (dehydrated) to prevent spoilage. normally, this drying includes the addition of salt to prevent bacteria growth before the meat has finished the dehydrating process. the word "jerky" derives from the quechua word ch'arki which means "dried, salted meat". all that is needed to produce basic "jerky" is a low-temperature drying method, and salt to inhibit bacterial growth. modern manufactured jerky is often marinated, prepared with a seasoned spice rub or liquid, or smoked with low heat (usually under 70 °c/160 °f). store-bought jerky commonly includes sweeteners such as brown sugar. jerky is ready-to-eat, needs no additional preparation and can be stored for months without refrigeration. to ensure maximum shelf-life, a proper protein-to-moisture content is required in the final cured product.many products which are sold as jerky consist of highly processed, chopped and formed meat rather than traditional sliced whole-muscle meat. these products may contain more fat, but moisture content, as in the whole-muscle product, must meet a 0.75 to 1 moisture-to protein ratio in the us. chemical preservatives can prevent oxidative spoilage, but the moisture-to-protein ratio prevents microbial spoilage by low water activity. some jerky products are very high in sugar and therefore taste very sweet – unlike biltong, which rarely contains added sugars.


Moqueca de camarão

Shrimp stew with vegetables, coconut milk and palm oil

Side, Snack, Appetizer


Funge or fúngi (angola) or mfundi (congo - dcr and the congo republic) is a traditional african side dish made of cassava flour whisked into boiling water. it can also be made with sorghum, maize, or millet. it can be served with textured vegetable, fish, or meat stew, as well as other vegetable, meat, and fish dishes. funge is a staple food in african cuisine. some richer and more flavorful versions may be made with stock, like fish stock, instead of water. it is also known as bidia (literally "food").funge is eaten with the fingers, and a small ball of it can be dipped into an accompanying stew, side dish or sauce. funge is a traditional staple in angolan cuisine. in brazil, a similar food is known as pirão. in the lesser antilles, a similar food is known as fungi or cou-cou. in ghana there are two variations, usually made with ground corn, though the variation known as banku is sometimes made from a mixture of grated cassava and corn. the corn is allowed to ferment before it is cooked. to make banku the fermented mixture is cooked in a pot, but the variation called kenkey is only partially cooked before it is wrapped in banana leaves or corn husks and steamed.

Side, Snack, Appetizer


O queijo do serro é um tipo de queijo brasileiro, originário da região da cidade serro, minas gerais.



Mollusk similar to mussel

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