Sea trout


Sea trout is the common name usually applied to anadromous (or sea-run) forms of brown trout (salmo trutta), and is often referred to as salmo trutta morpha trutta. other names for anadromous brown trout are sewin (wales), peel or peal (southwest england), mort (northwest england), finnock (scotland), white trout (ireland) and salmon trout (culinary). the term sea trout is also used to describe other anadromous salmonids—coho salmon (oncorhynchus kisutch), brook trout (salvelinus fontinalis), arctic char (salvelinus alpinus alpinus), cutthroat trout (oncorhynchus clarkii) and dolly varden (salvenlinus malma). even some non-salmonid species are also commonly known as sea trout—northern ...

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