
medisterpolse, medister, medisterkorv, julemedister

Medisterpølse, medisterkorv or simply medister, is a scandinavian specialty food consisting of a thick, spiced sausage made of minced pork and suet (or lard), stuffed into a casing. it is a slightly sweet-tasting sausage and the finely-ground meat is seasoned with chopped onion, allspice, cloves, salt and pepper. it is a traditional dinner sausage in danish cuisine.the word medister is derived from a combination of med and ister, respectively meaning 'with' and 'suet'. it was first used in print in a swedish housekeeping book from the early 16th century. the sausage recipe has changed since then as the meat filling used to be hand-chopped with a knife, while today it is chopped very finel...

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