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Arctic char

The arctic char or arctic charr (salvelinus alpinus) is a cold-water fish in the family salmonidae, native to alpine lakes and arctic and subarctic coastal waters. its distribution is circumpolar north. it spawns in freshwater and populations can be lacustrine, riverine, or anadromous, where they return from the ocean to their fresh water birth rivers to spawn. no other freshwater fish is found as far north; it is, for instance, the only fish species in lake hazen on ellesmere island in the canadian arctic. it is one of the rarest fish species in great britain and ireland, found mainly in deep, cold, glacial lakes, and is at risk from acidification. in other parts of its range, such as the nordic countries, it is much more common, and is fished extensively. in siberia, it is known as golets (russian: голец) and it has been introduced in lakes where it sometimes threatens less hardy endemic species, such as the small-mouth char and the long-finned char in elgygytgyn lake. the arctic char is closely related to both salmon and lake trout, and has many characteristics of both. the fish is highly variable in colour, depending on the time of year and the environmental conditions of the lake where it lives. the appearance of arctic char differs between populations. the dorsal side of the arctic char is dark in its colour while the ventral varies from red, yellow, and white.arctic char has a distinct size dimorphism, dwarf and giant. dwarf arctic char weigh between 0.2 and 2.3 kg (7 oz and 5 lb 1 oz) and average a length of 8 cm (3 in), while giant arctic char weigh between 2.3 and 4.5 kg (5 lb 1 oz and 9 lb 15 oz) and average 40 cm (16 in) in length. individual fish can weigh 9 kg (20 lb) or more with record-sized fish having been taken by anglers in northern canada, where it is known as iqaluk or tariungmiutaq in inuktitut. generally, whole market-sized fish are between 1 and 2.5 kg (2 lb 3 oz and 5 lb 8 oz). male and female arctic char are the same size.the flesh colour can range from a bright red to a pale pink.

Side, Snack, Appetizer


Bannock is a variety of flat quick bread or any large, round article baked or cooked from grain. a bannock is usually cut into sections before serving.



Bison are large bovines in the genus bison within the tribe bovini. two extant species and numerous extinct species are recognised. of the two surviving species, the american bison, b. bison, found only in north america, is the more numerous. although colloquially referred to as a buffalo in the united states and canada, it is only distantly related to the true buffalo. the north american species is composed of two subspecies, the plains bison, b. b. bison, and the wood bison, b. b. athabascae, which is the namesake of wood buffalo national park in canada. a third subspecies, the eastern bison (b. b. pennsylvanicus) is no longer considered a valid taxon, being a junior synonym of b. b. bison. references to "woods bison" or "wood bison" from the eastern united states refer to this subspecies, not b. b. athabascae, which was not found in the region. the european bison, b. bonasus, or wisent, or zubr, is found in europe and the caucasus, reintroduced after being extinct in the wild. while bison species have been traditionally classified in their own genus, modern genetics indicates that they are nested within the genus bos, which includes, among others, cattle, yaks and gaur, being most closely related to yaks. bison are sometimes bred with domestic cattle and produce offspring called beefalo or żubroń.

Side, Snack, Appetizer

Caesar salad

A caesar salad (also spelled cesar and cesare) is a green salad of romaine lettuce and croutons dressed with lemon juice (or lime juice), olive oil, egg, worcestershire sauce, anchovies, garlic, dijon mustard, parmesan cheese, and black pepper. in its original form, this salad was prepared and served tableside.



The reindeer (rangifer tarandus), also known as the caribou in north america, is a species of deer with circumpolar distribution, native to arctic, subarctic, tundra, boreal, and mountainous regions of northern europe, siberia, and north america. this includes both sedentary and migratory populations. it is the only representative of the genus rangifer. herd size varies greatly in different geographic regions. r. tarandus varies in size and colour from the smallest subspecies, the svalbard reindeer, to the largest, the boreal woodland caribou. the north american range of caribou extends from alaska through the yukon, the northwest territories and nunavut into the boreal forest and south through the canadian rockies. the barren-ground caribou, porcupine caribou, and peary caribou live in the tundra, while the shy boreal woodland caribou prefer the boreal forest. the porcupine caribou and the barren-ground caribou form large herds and undertake lengthy seasonal migrations from birthing grounds to summer and winter feeding grounds in the tundra and taiga. the migrations of porcupine caribou herds are among the longest of any mammal. barren-ground caribou are also found in kitaa in greenland, but the larger herds are in alaska, the northwest territories, and nunavut.the taimyr herd of migrating siberian tundra reindeer (r. t. sibiricus) in russia is the largest wild reindeer herd in the world, varying between 400,000 and 1,000,000. what was once the second largest herd is the migratory boreal woodland caribou (r. t. caribou) george river herd in canada, with former variations between 28,000 and 385,000. as of january 2018, there are fewer than 9,000 animals estimated to be left in the george river herd, as reported by the canadian broadcasting corporation. the new york times reported in april 2018 of the disappearance of the only herd of southern mountain woodland caribou in the contiguous united states with an expert calling it "functionally extinct" after the herd's size dwindled to a mere three animals. after the last individual, a female, was translocated to a wildlife rehabilitation centre in canada, the woodland caribou was considered extirpated from the contiguous united states.some subspecies are rare and two have already become extinct: the queen charlotte islands caribou of canada and the east greenland caribou from east greenland. historically, the range of the sedentary boreal woodland caribou covered more than half of canada and into the northern states of the contiguous united states. woodland caribou have disappeared from most of their original southern range and were designated as threatened in 2002 by the committee on the status of endangered wildlife in canada (cosewic). environment canada reported in 2011 that there were approximately 34,000 boreal woodland caribou in 51 ranges remaining in canada (environment canada, 2011b). siberian tundra reindeer herds are also in decline, and rangifer tarandus is considered to be vulnerable by the iucn. arctic peoples have depended on caribou for food, clothing, and shelter, such as the caribou inuit, the inland-dwelling inuit of the kivalliq region in northern canada, the caribou clan in the yukon, the iñupiat, the inuvialuit, the hän, the northern tutchone, and the gwichʼin (who followed the porcupine caribou for millennia). hunting wild reindeer and herding of semi-domesticated reindeer are important to several arctic and subarctic peoples such as the duhalar for meat, hides, antlers, milk, and transportation. the sámi people (sápmi) have also depended on reindeer herding and fishing for centuries.: iv : 16 : iv  in sápmi, reindeer are used to pull a pulk, a nordic sled. male ("bulls") and female ("cows") reindeer can grow antlers annually, although the proportion of females that grow antlers varies greatly between population and season. antlers are typically larger on males. in traditional united states christmas legend, santa claus's reindeer pull a sleigh through the night sky to help santa claus deliver gifts to good children on christmas eve.

Side, Snack, Appetizer

Eskimo potato

The eskimo potato is a type of edible plant that grows in the northern areas of canada and alaska. the plant's scientific name is variously attributed as either claytonia tuberosa (inuit: oatkuk) or hedysarum alpinum (inuit: mashu). both species have a range in the northern area of north america, have edible roots, and have been documented to have been used as a food source by inuit. due to its nutritional qualities, the eskimo potato is one of many edible foods listed in survival guides, such as the us army's field manual survival, and is used in modern times to subsist in nature. christopher mccandless used the plant as a food source in the alaska wilderness.


Flipper pie

Flipper pie is a traditional eastern canadian meat pie made from harp seal flippers. it is similar to a pot pie in that the seal flippers are cooked with vegetables in a thick sauce and then covered with pastry. it is specific to the province of newfoundland and labrador and primarily eaten in april and may, during the annual seal hunt. although in the past, seal flippers were usually acquired directly from the boats that were used for the seal hunt (since they were considered a by-product of the seal fur trade), today they are usually purchased in grocery stores. seal meat has been described as tasting like rabbit or dark meat chicken, and fans of its flavour tend to be people who grew up eating it.



The arctic grayling (thymallus arcticus) is a species of freshwater fish in the salmon family salmonidae. t. arcticus is widespread throughout the arctic and pacific drainages in canada, alaska, and siberia, as well as the upper missouri river drainage in montana. in the u.s. state of arizona, an introduced population is found in the lee valley and other lakes in the white mountains. they were also stocked at toppings lake by the teton range and in lakes in the high uinta mountains in utah, as well as alpine lakes of the boulder mountains (idaho) in central idaho.



The muskox (ovibos moschatus, in latin "musky sheep-ox"), also spelled musk ox and musk-ox, plural muskoxen or musk oxen (in inuktitut: ᐅᒥᖕᒪᒃ, umingmak; in woods cree: ᒫᖨᒨᐢ, mâthi-môs, ᒫᖨᒧᐢᑐᐢ, mâthi-mostos), is a hoofed mammal of the family bovidae. native to the arctic, it is noted for its thick coat and for the strong odor emitted by males during the seasonal rut, from which its name derives. this musky odor has the effect of attracting females during mating season. its inuktitut name "umingmak" translates to "the bearded one".its woods cree names "mâthi-môs" and "mâthi-mostos" translate to "ugly moose" and "ugly bison", respectively. muskoxen primarily live in greenland and the canadian arctic of the northwest territories and nunavut, with reintroduced populations in the american state of alaska, the canadian territory of yukon, and siberia, and an introduced population in norway, part of which emigrated to sweden, where a small population now lives.



The american pickerels are two subspecies of esox americanus, a medium-sized species of north american freshwater predatory fish belonging to the pike family (genus esox in family esocidae of order esociformes): redfin pickerel, sometimes called the brook pickerel, e. americanus americanus gmelin, 1789; grass pickerel, e. americanus vermiculatus lesueur, 1846.lesueur originally classified the grass pickerel as e. vermiculatus, but it is now considered a subspecies of e. americanus. there is no widely accepted english common collective name for the two e. americanus subspecies; "american pickerel" is a translation of the french systematic name brochet d'amérique.



Quiche ( keesh) is a french tart consisting of pastry crust filled with savoury custard and pieces of cheese, meat, seafood or vegetables. a well-known variant is quiche lorraine, which includes lardons or bacon. quiche may be served hot, warm or cold.


Roast beef

Roast beef is a dish of beef that is roasted, generally served as the main dish of a meal. in the anglosphere, roast beef is one of the meats often served at sunday lunch or dinner. yorkshire pudding is a standard side dish. sliced roast beef is also sold as a cold cut, and used as a sandwich filling. leftover roast beef may be minced and made into hash. roast beef is a characteristic national dish of england and holds cultural meaning for the english dating back to the 1731 ballad "the roast beef of old england". the dish is so synonymous with england and its cooking methods from the 18th century that a french nickname for the english is "les rosbifs".


Shepherd's pie

Shepherd's pie, cottage pie, or in its french version hachis parmentier is a savoury dish of cooked minced meat topped with mashed potato and baked. the meat used may be either previously cooked or freshly minced. the usual meats are beef or lamb. the two english terms have been used interchangeably since they came into use in the late 18th and the 19th century, although some writers insist that a shepherd's pie should contain lamb or mutton, and a cottage pie, beef.

Dessert, Sweet

Soapberry cocktail

Similar to cranberry, can have a consistency like ice cream

Side, Snack, Appetizer

Sourdough bread

Sourdough is a bread made by the fermentation of dough using wild lactobacillaceae and yeast. lactic acid from fermentation imparts a sour taste and improves keeping qualities.



Trout are species of freshwater fish belonging to the genera oncorhynchus, salmo and salvelinus, all of the subfamily salmoninae of the family salmonidae. the word trout is also used as part of the name of some non-salmonid fish such as cynoscion nebulosus, the spotted seatrout or speckled trout. trout are closely related to salmon and char (or charr): species termed salmon and char occur in the same genera as do fish called trout (oncorhynchus – pacific salmon and trout, salmo – atlantic salmon and various trout, salvelinus – char and trout). lake trout and most other trout live in freshwater lakes and rivers exclusively, while there are others, such as the steelhead, a form of the coastal rainbow trout, that can spend two or three years at sea before returning to fresh water to spawn (a habit more typical of salmon). arctic char and brook trout are part of the char genus. trout are an important food source for humans and wildlife, including brown bears, birds of prey such as eagles, and other animals. they are classified as oily fish.



Whitefish or white fish is a fisheries term for several species of demersal fish with fins, particularly atlantic cod (gadus morhua), whiting (merluccius bilinearis), haddock (melanogrammus aeglefinus), hake (urophycis), pollock (pollachius), and others. whitefish (coregonidae) is also the name of several species of atlantic freshwater fish. whitefish live on or near the seafloor, and can be contrasted with the oily or pelagic fish which live away from the seafloor. whitefish do not have much oil in their tissue, and have flakier white or light-coloured flesh. most of the oil found in their bodies is concentrated in the organs, e.g. cod liver oil. whitefish can be divided into benthopelagic fish (round fish which live near the sea bed, such as cod and coley) and benthic fish (which live on the sea bed, such as flatfish like plaice). whitefish is sometimes eaten straight but is often used reconstituted for fishsticks, gefilte fish, lutefisk, surimi (imitation crabmeat), etc. for centuries it was preserved by drying as stockfish and clipfish and traded as a world commodity. it is commonly used as the fish in the classic british dish of fish and chips.

Side, Snack, Appetizer

Wild berries

A berry is a small, pulpy, and often edible fruit. typically, berries are juicy, rounded, brightly colored, sweet, sour or tart, and do not have a stone or pit, although many pips or seeds may be present. common examples are strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, red currants, white currants and blackcurrants. in britain, soft fruit is a horticultural term for such common usage, the term "berry" differs from the scientific or botanical definition of a fruit produced from the ovary of a single flower in which the outer layer of the ovary wall develops into an edible fleshy portion (pericarp). the botanical definition includes many fruits that are not commonly known or referred to as berries, such as grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, bananas, and chili peppers. fruits commonly considered berries but excluded by the botanical definition include strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, which are aggregate fruits and mulberries, which are multiple fruits. watermelons and pumpkins are giant berries that fall into the category "pepos". a plant bearing berries is said to be bacciferous or baccate. berries are eaten worldwide and often used in jams, preserves, cakes, or pies. some berries are commercially important. the berry industry varies from country to country as do types of berries cultivated or growing in the wild. some berries such as raspberries and strawberries have been bred for hundreds of years and are distinct from their wild counterparts, while other berries, such as lingonberries and cloudberries, grow almost exclusively in the wild. while many berries are edible, some are poisonous to humans, such as deadly nightshade and pokeweed. others, such as the white mulberry, red mulberry, and elderberry, are poisonous when unripe, but are edible when ripe.


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