62 Dishes

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Salo (ukrainian: сало, russian: сало, belarusian: сала, hungarian: szalonna, polish: słonina, romanian: slănină, czech, slovak: slanina, carpatho-rusyn: солонина/solonyna, bosnian: slanina/сланина, lithuanian: lašiniai, bulgarian: сланина, serbian: slanina/сланина) is a traditional, predominantly slavic food consisting of cured slabs of fatback (rarely pork belly), with or without skin (especially famous in ukraine). the food is commonly eaten and known under different names in countries across the region. it is usually dry salt or brine cured. the east slavic variety is sometimes treated with paprika or other seasonings, while the south slavic version is often smoked. in ukraine and many other countries salo is a part of the traditional national cuisine. the slavic word "salo" or "salanina" as applied to this type of food (it has other meanings as well) is often translated to english as "bacon" or "lard". unlike lard, salo is not rendered. unlike bacon, salo has little or no lean meat. it is similar to italian lardo, the main differences being the thickness of the cut (lardo is often sliced very thinly) and seasoning. east slavic salo uses salt, garlic, black pepper and sometimes coriander in the curing process, while lardo is generally seasoned with rosemary and other herbs.

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Kolašinski sir

Kolasin cheese, protected geographic origin

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Nikšićki kozji sir

Goat's milk cheese, protected geographic origin

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Njeguški sir

Cow's milk cheese, protected geographic origin

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Ovčji sir

Sheep cheese

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Pljevaljski sir

Cow's milk cheese, protected geographic origin

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Podgorički sir

Salty brined cow's milk cheese, protected geographic origin

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Chard or swiss chard (beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris, cicla group and flavescens group) () is a green leafy vegetable. in the cultivars of the flavescens group, the leaf stalks are large and often prepared separately from the leaf blade; the cicla group is the leafy spinach beet. the leaf blade can be green or reddish in color; the leaf stalks are usually white, or a colorful yellow or red.chard, like other green leafy vegetables, has highly nutritious leaves, making it a popular component of healthy diets. chard has been used in cooking for centuries, but because it is the same species as beetroot, the common names that cooks and cultures have used for chard may be confusing; it has many common names, such as silver beet, perpetual spinach, beet spinach, seakale beet, or leaf beet.

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Wild blueberries

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Potatoes, for example, baked, fried, boiled, roasted, in soup, potato salad, mashed, dumplings, bread

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Wild pomegranates

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Ajvar (pronounced: ; cyrillic script: ajвар, aйвар) is a condiment made principally from sweet bell peppers and eggplants. the relish became a popular side dish throughout yugoslavia after world war ii and is popular in southeast europe. homemade ajvar is made of roasted peppers. depending on the capsaicin content in bell peppers and the amount of added chili peppers, it can be sweet (traditional), piquant (the most common), or very hot. ajvar can be consumed as a bread spread or as a side dish. ajvar has a few variations. one variation contains tomato and eggplant. another is made with green bell peppers and oregano. "homemade leskovac ajvar" and "macedonian ajvar" are registered with the world intellectual property organization in order to protect their brand names.

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Murrī or almorí (in andalusia) was a type of fermented condiment made with barley flour, known from maghrebi and arab cuisines. almost every substantial dish in medieval arab cuisine used murrī in small quantities. it could be used as a substitute for salt or sumac, and has been compared to soy sauce by rudolf grewe, charles perry, and others due to its high glutamates content and resultant umami flavor.

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Pindjur or pinjur or pinđur (serbo-croatian: pinđur / пинђур, bulgarian: пинджур, macedonian: пинџур, albanian: pinxhur) is a relish form and is commonly used as a summer spread. pindjur is commonly prepared in bosnia and herzegovina, bulgaria, serbia and north macedonia. the traditional ingredients include red bell peppers, tomatoes, garlic, vegetable oil, and salt. pindjur is similar to ajvar, but the latter is generally made with eggplant. in some regions the words are used interchangeably. the creation of this traditional relish is a rather long process which involves baking some of the ingredients for hours, as well as roasting the peppers and peeling them.

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Urnebes (serbian cyrillic: урнебес, pronounced [ˈûr̩nebeːs], meaning "disorder, mess") is a type of spread or salad characteristic of serbian cuisine prominent in the city of niš and southern serbia. it is made of white cheese, kajmak and hot chili peppers, with salt and other spices. in southern serbia, it is made with chopped peppers, while ground dry peppers (aleva) are used elsewhere, giving it a red color. depending on the type and amount of peppers, urnebes can range from mild to very hot. usually, it is served as a side dish with grilled meat or barbecue. sometimes garlic is used.

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Vegeta is a condiment which is a mixture primarily of salt with flavour enhancers, spices and various vegetables developed in 1959 by a bosnian croat scientist zlata bartl, and has become a product sold worldwide. vegeta is produced by podravka, a company from koprivnica, croatia, as well as a subsidiary of podravka in poland and two vegeta licensees from austria and hungary. there have been around 50 instances of other companies attempting to reproduce the product.vegeta was conceived in 1958 in podravka's laboratories and professor paul ivanić was head of the team that developed it. the product was first sold in yugoslavia in 1959 as "vegeta 40". in 1967 vegeta was first exported to hungary and the ussr and is now sold in around 40 countries worldwide.there is also a "no msg added" version for those avoiding monosodium glutamate.

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Nettle, used in nettle soup, dried nettle salad

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