56 Dishes



Fish broth with garlic, herbs and tomatoes, similar to bouillabaisse


Carrot soup

Carrot soup (referred to in french as potage de crécy, potage crécy, potage à la crécy, purée à la crécy and crème à la crécy) is a soup prepared with carrot as a primary ingredient. it can be prepared as a cream- or broth-style soup. additional vegetables, root vegetables and various other ingredients can be used in its preparation. it may be served hot or cold, and several recipes exist. carrot soup has been described as a "classic" dish in french cuisine. the soup was eaten by king edward vii every year on 26 august to commemorate the 1346 battle of crécy.


Chestnut soup



Pork and vegetable soup


Kusksu bil-ful

Broad bean and pasta soup, made with kusksu (large couscous pasta)


Leek and potato soup

Leek soup (welsh: cawl cennin) is a soup based on potatoes, leeks, broth (usually chicken), and heavy cream. other ingredients used may be salt, pepper, and various spices. generally the potatoes are diced and cooked in broth, while the leeks are chopped and sautéed. after this, all ingredients are combined and stirred. chives may be used for garnish. leek soup is traditionally associated with wales, and is an important item of welsh cuisine. in romania, this soup is popular and known as ciorbă de praz, and in france it is called soupe aux poireaux. one variant of leek soup is vichyssoise, which is generally served cold.



Minestrone (; italian: [mineˈstroːne]) is a thick soup of italian origin made with vegetables, often with the addition of pasta or rice, sometimes both. common ingredients include beans, onions, celery, carrots, leaf vegetables, stock, parmesan cheese and tomatoes. there is no set recipe for minestrone, since it can usually be made out of whatever vegetables are at one's disposal. it can be vegetarian, contain meat, or contain an animal bone-based stock (such as chicken stock). food author angelo pellegrini claimed that the base of minestrone is bean broth, and that borlotti beans (also called roman beans) "are the beans to use for genuine minestrone".


Pumpkin soup

Pumpkin soup is a usually 'bound' (thick) soup made from a purée of pumpkin. it is made by combining the meat of a blended pumpkin with broth or stock. it can be served hot or cold, and is a popular thanksgiving dish in the united states. various versions of the dish are known in many european countries, the united states and other areas of north america, in asia and in australia. pumpkin soup was a staple for the prisoners of war in north vietnamese prison camps during the vietnam war.squash soup is a soup prepared using squash as a primary ingredient. squash used to prepare the soup commonly includes acorn and butternut squash.


Soppa tal-armla

Widow's soup, vegetable soup


Stuffat tal-fenek

Rabbit stewed with tomatoes, vegetables, garlic and wine


Stuffat tal-qarnit

Octopus stew

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