
tigella, crescentine, crescentina

Crescentine, crescente or tigelle (sing: crescentina, crescenta or tigella) are thin, 10cm round breads from the apennines in the modena area of emilia-romagna, northern italy. they are made from flour, water, salt, and yeast, and traditionally eaten filled with cunza, a spread made from pork lard and flavoured with garlic and rosemary or with cold cuts, boar, rabbit, cheese, salty dressings or sweet spreads. in the apennines crescente have long been eaten at home or enjoyed in traditional restaurants, but in the last decade some fast food and casual restaurants have added crescente to their menus. similar breads such as piadina, borlengo, gnocco fritto and panigaccio are made in neighbou...

Source: Wikipedia

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