
klenat, klejner, kleinur, kleynur, fattigmann

Klenät, kleinur, klena, klejne, kleina, kleyna, and fattigmann are all names for angel wings, a fried pastry common in the nordic countries as well as the rest of europe and the united states. in nearby countries (such as lithuania, is found under the name žagarėliai) and eastern european countries (such as romania under the name of minciunele or russia, under the name krepli, russian: крепли). the name is related to klen, the swedish term for "slender", but is originally of low german origin, which may indicate that the pastry was originally german. it is made from flattened dough cut into small trapezoids. a slit is cut in the middle and then one or both ends pulled through the slit to...

Source: Wikipedia

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