Chicha de quinua

Chicha is a fermented (alcoholic) or non-fermented beverage of latin america, emerging from the andes and amazonia regions. in both the pre- and post-spanish conquest periods, corn beer (chicha de jora) made from a variety of maize landraces has been the most common form of chicha. however, chicha is also made from a variety of other cultigens and wild plants, including, among others, quinoa (chenopodium quinia), kañiwa (chenopodium pallidicaule), peanut, manioc (also called yuca or cassava), palm fruit, rice, potato, oca (oxalis tuberosa), and chañar (geoffroea decorticans). there are many regional variations of chicha. in the inca empire, chicha had ceremonial and ritual uses.

Source: Wikipedia

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