Pan bolo

pan bojo, pan boyo, pan bollo, pan di bolo, broodpudding

Bread pudding is a bread-based dessert popular in many countries' cuisines. it is made with stale bread and milk or cream, generally containing eggs, a form of fat such as oil, butter or suet and, depending on whether the pudding is sweet or savory, a variety of other ingredients. sweet bread puddings may use sugar, syrup, honey, dried fruit, nuts, as well as spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, mace, or vanilla. the bread is soaked in the liquids, mixed with the other ingredients, and baked. savory puddings may be served as main courses, while sweet puddings are typically eaten as desserts. in other languages, its name is a translation of "bread pudding" or even just "pudding", for example "...

Source: Wikipedia

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