Túrós csusza

túros csusza, turos csusza, túrós tészta, turos teszta

Túrós csusza is a traditional hungarian savoury curd cheese noodle dish made with small home-made noodles or pasta.traditionally, noodles used for this dish are home-made with flour and eggs, mixed into a dough, and torn by hand into uneven fingernail-sized pieces that are then boiled in water. spaghetti, fusilli or large egg macaroni bows can also be used instead of the home-made noodles. the noodles are cooked in salt water and drained, crumbled cheese (túró), chopped, fried, crispy bacon, topped with thick hungarian sour cream (tejföl) and lightly salted. the mixture is then heated in the oven for a few minutes before serving.

Source: Wikipedia

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