

Crispbread (swedish: knäckebröd (lit. crack bread), hårt bröd (hard bread), hårdbröd, spisbröd (stove bread), knäcke, danish: knækbrød, norwegian: knekkebrød, finnish: näkkileipä, estonian: näkileib, icelandic: hrökkbrauð, faroese: knekkbreyð, german: 'knäckebrot' or 'knäcke', low german: knackbrood, dutch: knäckebröd) is a flat and dry type of cracker, containing mostly rye flour. crispbreads are lightweight and keep fresh for a very long time due to their lack of water. crispbread is a staple food and was for a long time considered a poor man's diet.

Source: Wikipedia

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