Flour Tortillas - The World's Food

By The World's Food

Yield: 10 tortillas

Time: 30 minutes

Traditional tortillas perfect for tacos, flautas or just snacking. Yum!


2 1/2     cups all-purpose flour
1/2     teaspoon baking powder
1 1/2     teaspoons salt
1/3     cup lard
1     cup hot water


Step 1
Mix flour, baking powder and salt using a stand mixer

Step 2
Add lard, then mix until it resembles coarse meal

Step 3
Slowly add hot water and mix until smooth

Step 4
Lightly flour a flat surface and knead dough for 2 minutes

Step 5
Cut dough into eight segments

Step 6
Roll each dough segment into a ball, then slightly flatten into what are called testales

Step 7
Cover testales with a damp cloth and rest 45 minutes

Step 8
Heat ungreased griddle or comal using medium-high heat

Step 9
Flatten a testale using a rolling pin and a lightly floured surface or, if you’re like me and need a little help, start with a tortilla press, then finish rolling the dough as thin as possible

Step 10
Place tortilla on the hot comal and cook until bubbles form on the bottom, 30-45 seconds

Step 11
Flip tortilla and cook another 30 seconds

Step 12
Flip one last time and cook tortilla 15-20 more seconds

Step 13
Place tortillas in a basket wrapped in a towel, or store in a tortilla warmer

Note: This is slightly modified from the original recipe found here

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