Solomon Islands

Solomon islands is an island country consisting of six major islands and over 900 smaller islands in oceania, to the east of papua new guinea and northwest of vanuatu. it has a land area of 28,400 square kilometres (11,000 sq mi), and a population of 652,858. its capital, honiara, is located on the largest island, guadalcanal. the country takes ...

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Featured Dishes from Solomon Islands


Baked slippery cabbage in coconut cream

Side, Snack, Appetizer

Ball cabbage salad


Bean and tuna stew


Bean curry

Curried green beans


Bean with clam shells

Curried beans, tomatoes, coconut and clams



Ball cabbage mix, made with ball cabbage, tomatoes, long beans, chili peppers, coconut


Bee dee

Mixed slippery cabbage, made with ball cabbage, vegetables, chili peppers and coconut cream



Beef is the culinary name for meat from cattle (bos taurus). in prehistoric times, humans hunted aurochs and later domesticated them. since that time, numerous breeds of cattle have been bred specifically for the quality or quantity of their meat. today, beef is the third most widely consumed meat in the world, after pork and poultry. as of 2018, the united states, brazil, and china were the largest producers of beef. beef can be prepared in various ways; cuts are often used for steak, which can be cooked to varying degrees of doneness, while trimmings are often ground or minced, as found in most hamburgers. beef contains protein, iron, and vitamin b12. along with other kinds of red meat, high consumption is associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer and coronary heart disease, especially when processed. beef has a high environmental impact, being a primary driver of deforestation with the highest greenhouse gas emissions of any agricultural product.



Stir fried beans with vegetables and noodles


Boneo soup

Leafy greens and vegetable soup



Bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour (usually wheat) and water, usually by baking. throughout recorded history and around the world, it has been an important part of many cultures' diet. it is one of the oldest human-made foods, having been of significance since the dawn of agriculture, and plays an essential role in both religious rituals and secular culture. bread may be leavened by naturally occurring microbes (e.g. sourdough), chemicals (e.g. baking soda), industrially produced yeast, or high-pressure aeration, which creates the gas bubbles that fluff up bread. in many countries, commercial bread often contains additives to improve flavor, texture, color, shelf life, nutrition, and ease of production.

Side, Snack, Appetizer


Manihot esculenta, commonly called cassava (), manioc, or yuca (among numerous regional names) is a woody shrub of the spurge family, euphorbiaceae, native to south america. although a perennial plant, cassava is extensively cultivated as an annual crop in tropical and subtropical regions for its edible starchy tuberous root, a major source of carbohydrates. though it is often called yuca in parts of spanish america and in the united states, it is not related to yucca, a shrub in the family asparagaceae. cassava is predominantly consumed in boiled form, but substantial quantities are used to extract cassava starch, called tapioca, which is used for food, animal feed, and industrial purposes. the brazilian farinha, and the related garri of west africa, is an edible coarse flour obtained by grating cassava roots, pressing moisture off the obtained grated pulp, and finally drying it (and roasting both in the case of farinha and garri). cassava is the third-largest source of food carbohydrates in the tropics, after rice and maize. cassava is a major staple food in the developing world, providing a basic diet for over half a billion people. it is one of the most drought-tolerant crops, capable of growing on marginal soils. nigeria is the world's largest producer of cassava, while thailand is the largest exporter of cassava starch. cassava is classified as either sweet or bitter. like other roots and tubers, both bitter and sweet varieties of cassava contain antinutritional factors and toxins, with the bitter varieties containing much larger amounts. it must be properly prepared before consumption, as improper preparation of cassava can leave enough residual cyanide to cause acute cyanide intoxication, goiters, and even ataxia, partial paralysis, or death. the more toxic varieties of cassava are a fall-back resource (a "food security crop") in times of famine or food insecurity in some places. farmers often prefer the bitter varieties because they deter pests, animals, and thieves.

Side, Snack, Appetizer

Cassava pudding

Savory cassava pudding

Dessert, Sweet

Cassava pudding



Slippery cabbage and ngali nuts cooked inside banana leaves



The chicken (gallus domesticus) is a domesticated junglefowl species, with attributes of wild species such as the grey and the ceylon junglefowl that are originally from southeastern asia. rooster or cock is a term for an adult male bird, and a younger male may be called a cockerel. a male that has been castrated is a capon. an adult female bird is called a hen and a sexually immature female is called a pullet. originally raised for cockfighting or for special ceremonies, chickens were not kept for food until the hellenistic period (4th–2nd centuries bc). humans now keep chickens primarily as a source of food (consuming both their meat and eggs) and as pets. chickens are one of the most common and widespread domestic animals, with a total population of 23.7 billion as of 2018, up from more than 19 billion in 2011. there are more chickens in the world than any other bird. there are numerous cultural references to chickens – in myth, folklore and religion, and in language and literature. genetic studies have pointed to multiple maternal origins in south asia, southeast asia, and east asia, but the clade found in the americas, europe, the middle east and africa originated from the indian subcontinent. from ancient india, the chicken spread to lydia in western asia minor, and to greece by the 5th century bc. fowl have been known in egypt since the mid-15th century bc, with the "bird that gives birth every day" having come from the land between syria and shinar, babylonia, according to the annals of thutmose iii.


Chicken and pumpkin soup

Soup with chicken, pumpkin, vegetables, coconut cream


Chiliri ngache

Slippery cabbage cooked in coconut milk and spices


Chili taiyo

Tinned tuna with chili peppers and noodles

Side, Snack, Appetizer


Side, Snack, Appetizer


The coconut tree (cocos nucifera) is a member of the palm tree family (arecaceae) and the only living species of the genus cocos. the term "coconut" (or the archaic "cocoanut") can refer to the whole coconut palm, the seed, or the fruit, which botanically is a drupe, not a nut. the name comes from the old portuguese word coco, meaning "head" or "skull", after the three indentations on the coconut shell that resemble facial features. they are ubiquitous in coastal tropical regions and are a cultural icon of the tropics. the coconut tree provides food, fuel, cosmetics, folk medicine and building materials, among many other uses. the inner flesh of the mature seed, as well as the coconut milk extracted from it, form a regular part of the diets of many people in the tropics and subtropics. coconuts are distinct from other fruits because their endosperm contains a large quantity of clear liquid, called coconut water or coconut juice. mature, ripe coconuts can be used as edible seeds, or processed for oil and plant milk from the flesh, charcoal from the hard shell, and coir from the fibrous husk. dried coconut flesh is called copra, and the oil and milk derived from it are commonly used in cooking – frying in particular – as well as in soaps and cosmetics. sweet coconut sap can be made into drinks or fermented into palm wine or coconut vinegar. the hard shells, fibrous husks and long pinnate leaves can be used as material to make a variety of products for furnishing and decoration. the coconut has cultural and religious significance in certain societies, particularly in the western pacific austronesian cultures where it features in their mythologies, songs, and oral traditions. it also had ceremonial importance in pre-colonial animistic religions. it has also acquired religious significance in south asian cultures, where it is used in hindu rituals. it forms the basis of wedding and worship rituals in hinduism. it also plays a central role in the coconut religion of vietnam. the falling of their mature fruit has led to preoccupation with death by coconut.coconuts were first domesticated by the austronesian peoples in island southeast asia and were spread during the neolithic via their seaborne migrations as far east as the pacific islands, and as far west as madagascar and the comoros. they played a critical role in the long sea voyages of austronesians by providing a portable source of food and water, as well as providing building materials for austronesian outrigger boats. coconuts were also later spread in historic times along the coasts of the indian and atlantic oceans by south asian, arab, and european sailors. based on these separate introductions, coconut populations can still be divided into pacific coconuts and indo-atlantic coconuts, respectively. coconuts were introduced by europeans to the americas only during the colonial era in the columbian exchange, but there is evidence of a possible pre-columbian introduction of pacific coconuts to panama by austronesian sailors. the evolutionary origin of the coconut is under dispute, with theories stating that it may have evolved in asia, south america, or on pacific islands. trees grow up to 30 metres (100 feet) tall and can yield up to 75 fruits per year, though fewer than 30 is more typical. plants are intolerant of cold weather and prefer copious precipitation, as well as full sunlight. many insect pests and diseases affect the species and are a nuisance for commercial production. about 75% of the world's supply of coconuts is produced by indonesia, philippines, and india. the coconut tree is the official state tree of kerala, india.


Coconut cream eggplant

Side, Snack, Appetizer

Coconut cream sauce

Dessert, Sweet

Coconut pudding


Coconut water

Coconut water (also coconut juice) is the clear liquid inside coconuts (fruits of the coconut palm). in early development, it serves as a suspension for the endosperm of the coconut during the nuclear phase of development. as growth continues, the endosperm matures into its cellular phase and deposits into the rind of the coconut pulp. the liquid inside young coconuts is often preferred to the liquid of a ripened coconut. coconut water from young green coconuts is also known specifically as buko juice in philippine english.



Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, the seeds of berries from certain flowering plants in the coffea genus. from the coffee fruit, the seeds are separated to produce a stable, raw product: unroasted green coffee. the seeds are then roasted, a process which transforms them into a consumable product: roasted coffee, which is ground into fine particles that are typically steeped in hot water before being filtered out, producing a cup of coffee. coffee is darkly colored, bitter, slightly acidic and has a stimulating effect in humans, primarily due to its caffeine content. it is one of the most popular drinks in the world and can be prepared and presented in a variety of ways (e.g., espresso, french press, caffè latte, or already-brewed canned coffee). it is usually served hot, although chilled or iced coffee is common. sugar, sugar substitutes, milk or cream are often used to lessen the bitter taste or enhance the flavor. it may be served with coffee cake or another sweet dessert, like doughnuts. a commercial establishment that sells prepared coffee beverages is known as a coffeehouse or coffee shop (not to be confused with dutch coffeeshops selling cannabis). clinical research indicates that moderate coffee consumption is benign or mildly beneficial as a stimulant in healthy adults, with continuing research on whether long-term consumption has positive or negative effects.though coffee is now a global commodity, it has a long history tied closely to food traditions around the red sea. the earliest credible evidence of the drinking of coffee in the form of the modern beverage appears in modern-day yemen from the mid-15th century in sufi shrines, where coffee seeds were first roasted and brewed in a manner similar to current methods. the yemenis procured the coffee beans from the ethiopian highlands via coastal somali intermediaries and began cultivation. by the 16th century, the drink had reached the rest of the middle east and north africa, later spreading to europe. in the 20th century, coffee became a much more global commodity, creating different coffee cultures around the world. the two most commonly grown coffee bean types are c. arabica and c. robusta. coffee plants are cultivated in over 70 countries, primarily in the equatorial regions of the americas, southeast asia, the indian subcontinent, and africa. as of 2018, brazil was the leading grower of coffee beans, producing 35% of the world total. coffee is a major export commodity as the leading legal agricultural export for numerous countries. it is one of the most valuable commodities exported by developing countries. green, unroasted coffee is the most traded agricultural commodity and one of the most traded commodities overall, second only to petroleum. despite the sales of coffee reaching billions of dollars, those actually producing the beans are disproportionately living in poverty. critics also point to the coffee industry's negative impact on the environment and the clearing of land for coffee-growing and water use. the environmental costs and wage disparity of farmers are causing the market for fair trade and organic coffee to expand.



Coffee is a brewed drink prepared from roasted coffee beans, the seeds of berries from certain flowering plants in the coffea genus. from the coffee fruit, the seeds are separated to produce a stable, raw product: unroasted green coffee. the seeds are then roasted, a process which transforms them into a consumable product: roasted coffee, which is ground into fine particles that are typically steeped in hot water before being filtered out, producing a cup of coffee. coffee is darkly colored, bitter, slightly acidic and has a stimulating effect in humans, primarily due to its caffeine content. it is one of the most popular drinks in the world and can be prepared and presented in a variety of ways (e.g., espresso, french press, caffè latte, or already-brewed canned coffee). it is usually served hot, although chilled or iced coffee is common. sugar, sugar substitutes, milk or cream are often used to lessen the bitter taste or enhance the flavor. it may be served with coffee cake or another sweet dessert, like doughnuts. a commercial establishment that sells prepared coffee beverages is known as a coffeehouse or coffee shop (not to be confused with dutch coffeeshops selling cannabis). clinical research indicates that moderate coffee consumption is benign or mildly beneficial as a stimulant in healthy adults, with continuing research on whether long-term consumption has positive or negative effects.though coffee is now a global commodity, it has a long history tied closely to food traditions around the red sea. the earliest credible evidence of the drinking of coffee in the form of the modern beverage appears in modern-day yemen from the mid-15th century in sufi shrines, where coffee seeds were first roasted and brewed in a manner similar to current methods. the yemenis procured the coffee beans from the ethiopian highlands via coastal somali intermediaries and began cultivation. by the 16th century, the drink had reached the rest of the middle east and north africa, later spreading to europe. in the 20th century, coffee became a much more global commodity, creating different coffee cultures around the world. the two most commonly grown coffee bean types are c. arabica and c. robusta. coffee plants are cultivated in over 70 countries, primarily in the equatorial regions of the americas, southeast asia, the indian subcontinent, and africa. as of 2018, brazil was the leading grower of coffee beans, producing 35% of the world total. coffee is a major export commodity as the leading legal agricultural export for numerous countries. it is one of the most valuable commodities exported by developing countries. green, unroasted coffee is the most traded agricultural commodity and one of the most traded commodities overall, second only to petroleum. despite the sales of coffee reaching billions of dollars, those actually producing the beans are disproportionately living in poverty. critics also point to the coffee industry's negative impact on the environment and the clearing of land for coffee-growing and water use. the environmental costs and wage disparity of farmers are causing the market for fair trade and organic coffee to expand.

Side, Snack, Appetizer


Copra (malayalam: കൊപ്ര, koppara ?) refers to the dried coconut kernels from which coconut oil is expelled. traditionally, the coconut kernels are sun-dried, especially for export, before the oil, also known as copra oil, is pressed out. the coconut fruit, when de-husked is essentially a drupe that is obtained from a tropical feather-leaved palm tree—the coconut palm (cocos nucifera). the oil extracted from copra is rich in lauric acid, making it an important commodity in the preparation of lauryl alcohol, soaps, fatty acids, cosmetics, etc. and thus a lucrative product for many coconut-producing countries. the palatable oil cake, known as copra cake, obtained as a residue in the production of copra oil is used in animal feeds. the ground cake is known as coconut or copra meal.



A curry is a dish with a sauce seasoned with spices, mainly associated with south asian cuisine. in southern india, leaves from the curry tree may be included.there are many varieties of curry. in traditional cuisines, the selection of spices for each dish is a matter of national or regional cultural tradition, religious practice, and preference of the chef. such dishes have names that refer to their ingredients, spicing, and cooking methods. outside the indian subcontinent, a curry is a dish from southeast asia which uses coconut milk or spice pastes, commonly eaten over rice. curries may contain fish, meat, poultry, or shellfish, either alone or in combination with vegetables. others are vegetarian. dry curries are cooked using small amounts of liquid, which is allowed to evaporate, leaving the other ingredients coated with the spice mixture. wet curries contain significant amounts of sauce or gravy based on broth, coconut cream or coconut milk, dairy cream or yogurt, or legume purée, sautéed crushed onion, or tomato purée. curry powder, a commercially prepared mixture of spices marketed in the west, was first exported to britain in the 18th century when indian merchants sold a concoction of spices, similar to garam masala, to the british colonial government and army returning to britain.


Curry chicken

Chicken curry or curry chicken is a dish originating from the indian subcontinent. it is common in the indian subcontinent, southeast asia, great britain, and the caribbean. a typical curry from the indian subcontinent consists of chicken stewed in an onion- and tomato-based sauce, flavoured with ginger, garlic, tomato puree, chilli peppers and a variety of spices, often including turmeric, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, and cardamom. outside of south asia, chicken curry is often made with a pre-made spice mixture known as curry powder.


Curry chicken wings

Curried chicken wings, serve with pumpkin fruit

Side, Snack, Appetizer

Curry powder

Solomon islands curry powder, made with lemongrass, chili peppers, ginger, turmeric, basil, salt


Deviled chicken

Stewed chicken and vegetables


Egg and tomato omelette

Side, Snack, Appetizer


Eggplant (us, canada, australia), aubergine (uk, ireland) or brinjal (indian subcontinent, singapore, malaysia, south africa) is a plant species in the nightshade family solanaceae. solanum melongena is grown worldwide for its edible fruit. most commonly purple, the spongy, absorbent fruit is used in several cuisines. typically used as a vegetable in cooking, it is a berry by botanical definition. as a member of the genus solanum, it is related to the tomato, chili pepper, and potato, although those are of the new world while the eggplant is of the old world. like the tomato, its skin and seeds can be eaten, but, like the potato, it is usually eaten cooked. eggplant is nutritionally low in macronutrient and micronutrient content, but the capability of the fruit to absorb oils and flavors into its flesh through cooking expands its use in the culinary arts. it was originally domesticated from the wild nightshade species thorn or bitter apple, s. incanum, probably with two independent domestications: one in south asia, and one in east asia. in 2018, china and india combined accounted for 87% of the world production of eggplants.

Side, Snack, Appetizer

Eggplant salad


Eggplant with egg


Eggplant with soy sauce



Broiled, grilled, roasted



Broiled, grilled, roasted


Fish and vegetable curry

Curry with fish, vegetables, taro, bananas, chili peppers, coconut cream, curry powder


Fish curry

Fish cooked in a sauce or gravy with spices


Fish in curry with tomato

Curried fish and tomato


Fried eggplant

Sliced, battered and deep-fried eggplant, serve with tahini, garden vegetables, flatbread


Fried eggplant with flour

Side, Snack, Appetizer


Areca nut (betal nut/fruit), bananas, lemons, limes, passionfruit, pawpaw, pineapple, ulu (breadfruit), watermelon



Areca nut (betal nut/fruit), bananas, lemons, limes, passionfruit, pawpaw, pineapple, ulu (breadfruit), watermelon


Fruit punch

The term punch refers to a wide assortment of drinks, both non-alcoholic and alcoholic, generally containing fruits or fruit juice. the drink was introduced from the indian subcontinent to england by employees of the east india company in the late 17th century. punch is usually served at parties in large, wide bowls, known as punch bowls. in the united states, federal regulations provide the word "punch" to describe commercial beverage products that do not contain fruit or fruit juice. the term is used to label artificially flavored beverages, with or without natural flavorings, which do not contain fruit juice or concentrate in significant proportions. thus a product labeled as "fruit punch" may contain no fruit ingredients at all.



Goat meat or goat's meat is the meat of the domestic goat (capra aegagrus hircus). the common name for goat meat is simply "goat", though meat from adult goats is referred to as chevon, while that from young goats can be called capretto (it.), cabrito (sp. and por.) or kid. in south asian and caribbean cuisine, mutton commonly means goat meat. in south asia, where mutton curry is popular, "mutton" is used for both goat and lamb meat. the culinary name "chevon", a blend of chèvre 'goat' and mouton 'sheep', was coined in 1922 and selected by a trade association; it was adopted by the united states department of agriculture in 1928.: 19  according to market research, consumers in the united states prefer "chevon" to "goat" "cabrito", a word of spanish and portuguese origin, refers specifically to the meat of a young, milk-fed goat. it is also known as chivo.


Grilled beef

Beef cooked over a flame


Grilled chicken

Chicken cooked over a flame


Grilled pork

Pork cooked over a flame

Side, Snack, Appetizer


Honey is a sweet, viscous food substance made by honey bees and some other bees. bees produce honey from the sugary secretions of plants (floral nectar) or from secretions of other insects (such as honeydew), by regurgitation, enzymatic activity, and water evaporation. honey bees store honey in wax structures called honeycombs, whereas stingless bees store honey in pots made of wax and resin. the variety of honey produced by honey bees (the genus apis) is the best-known, due to its worldwide commercial production and human consumption. honey is collected from wild bee colonies, or from hives of domesticated bees, a practice known as beekeeping or apiculture (meliponiculture in the case of stingless bees). honey gets its sweetness from the monosaccharides fructose and glucose, and has about the same relative sweetness as sucrose (table sugar). fifteen millilitres (1 us tablespoon) of honey provides around 190 kilojoules (46 kilocalories) of food energy. it has attractive chemical properties for baking and a distinctive flavor when used as a sweetener. most microorganisms do not grow in honey, so sealed honey does not spoil, even after thousands of years. honey use and production have a long and varied history as an ancient activity. several cave paintings in cuevas de la araña in spain depict humans foraging for honey at least 8,000 years ago. large-scale meliponiculture has been practiced by the mayans since pre-columbian times.


Kasume curry

Kasume fern, tomatoes, onions, beans and chili peppers, cooked with coconut cream


Kasume in coconut cream

Kasume fern with vegetbles and noodles


Kasume in coconut milk

Curried kasume fern


Kasume with taiyo

Kasume fern with spicy tinned tuna and coconut cream



A beverage made from the powdered roots of the kava plant, known for its sedating effects


Keu and sikaha

Mud shells and eggplant cooked with noodles in coconut milk

Side, Snack, Appetizer


Mashed taro and coconut cream wrapped and cooked inside banana leaves


Maria hania kangu

Fish and kangkon (water spinach) cooked in coconut cream



Baked slippery cabbage


Masimasi with sweet potato

Baked slippery cabbage with sweet potato

Side, Snack, Appetizer

Mixed vegetable salad



A muffin is an individually portioned baked product, however the term can refer to one of two distinct items: a part-raised flatbread (like a crumpet) that is baked and then cooked on a griddle (typically unsweetened), or an (often sweetened) quickbread (like a cupcake) that is chemically leavened and then baked in a mold. while quickbread "american" muffins are often sweetened, there are savory varieties made with ingredients such as corn and cheese, and less sweet varieties like traditional bran muffins. the flatbread "english" variety is of british or other european derivation, and dates from at least the early 18th century, while the quickbread originated in north america during the 19th century. both types are common worldwide today.

Side, Snack, Appetizer

Navy biscuits

Wheat flour crackers

Dessert, Sweet

Ngali nut pudding

Pudding made with fermented canarium indicum nuts

Side, Snack, Appetizer


A nut is a fruit consisting of a hard or tough nutshell protecting a kernel which is usually edible. in general usage and in a culinary sense, a wide variety of dry seeds are called nuts, but in a botanical context "nut" implies that the shell does not open to release the seed (indehiscent). most seeds come from fruits that naturally free themselves from the shell, but this is not the case in nuts such as hazelnuts, chestnuts, and acorns, which have hard shell walls and originate from a compound ovary. the general and original usage of the term is less restrictive, and many nuts (in the culinary sense), such as almonds, pecans, pistachios, walnuts, and brazil nuts, are not nuts in a botanical sense. common usage of the term often refers to any hard-walled, edible kernel as a nut. nuts are an energy-dense and nutrient-rich food source.



Noodles with clams, coconut, boneo, vegetables


Pak choi in oyster

Oysters and boiled pak choi


Pawpaw curry

Green (unripe) papaya in coconut curry, serve with rice

Side, Snack, Appetizer


Poi or popoi is a traditional staple food in the polynesian diet, made from starchy vegetables, usually breadfruit, taro or plantain. traditional poi is produced by mashing cooked starch on a wooden pounding board, with a carved pestle made from basalt, calcite, coral or wood. modern methods use an industrial food processor to produce large quantities for retail distribution. water is added to the starch during mashing, and again just before eating, to achieve the desired consistency, which can range from highly viscous to liquid. in hawaii, this is classified as either "one-finger", "two-finger", or "three-finger", alluding to how many fingers are required to scoop it up (the thicker the poi, the fewer fingers required to scoop a sufficient mouthful).poi can be eaten immediately, when fresh and sweet, or left to ferment and become sour, developing a smell reminiscent of plain yoghurt. a layer of water on top can prevent fermenting poi from developing a crust.



Pork is the culinary name for the meat of the domestic pig (sus scrofa domesticus). it is the most commonly consumed meat worldwide, with evidence of pig husbandry dating back to 5000 bc.pork is eaten both freshly cooked and preserved; curing extends the shelf life of pork products. ham, gammon, bacon and sausage are examples of preserved pork. charcuterie is the branch of cooking devoted to prepared meat products, many from pork. pork is the most popular meat in the western world, particularly in central europe. it is also very popular in east and southeast asia (mainland southeast asia, philippines, singapore, east timor, and malaysia). the meat is highly prized in asian cuisines, especially in mainland china, for its fat content and texture. some religions and cultures prohibit pork consumption, notably islam and judaism.


Pumpkin drink

Pumpkin, coconut cream, water and sugar or toddy

Dessert, Sweet

Pumpkin pudding

Mashed pumpkin and cassava, serve with hot coconut milk


Pumpkin soup

Pumpkin soup is a usually 'bound' (thick) soup made from a purée of pumpkin. it is made by combining the meat of a blended pumpkin with broth or stock. it can be served hot or cold, and is a popular thanksgiving dish in the united states. various versions of the dish are known in many european countries, the united states and other areas of north america, in asia and in australia. pumpkin soup was a staple for the prisoners of war in north vietnamese prison camps during the vietnam war.squash soup is a soup prepared using squash as a primary ingredient. squash used to prepare the soup commonly includes acorn and butternut squash.


Reko with coconut cream

Slippery cabbage with coconut cream

Side, Snack, Appetizer


Rice is the seed of the grass species oryza sativa (asian rice) or less commonly oryza glaberrima (african rice). the name wild rice is usually used for species of the genera zizania and porteresia, both wild and domesticated, although the term may also be used for primitive or uncultivated varieties of oryza. as a cereal grain, domesticated rice is the most widely consumed staple food for over half of the world's human population, especially in asia and africa. it is the agricultural commodity with the third-highest worldwide production, after sugarcane and maize. since sizable portions of sugarcane and maize crops are used for purposes other than human consumption, rice is the most important food crop with regard to human nutrition and caloric intake, providing more than one-fifth of the calories consumed worldwide by humans. there are many varieties of rice and culinary preferences tend to vary regionally. the traditional method for cultivating rice is flooding the fields while, or after, setting the young seedlings. this simple method requires sound irrigation planning but reduces the growth of less robust weed and pest plants that have no submerged growth state, and deters vermin. while flooding is not mandatory for the cultivation of rice, all other methods of irrigation require higher effort in weed and pest control during growth periods and a different approach for fertilizing the soil. rice, a monocot, is normally grown as an annual plant, although in tropical areas it can survive as a perennial and can produce a ratoon crop for up to 30 years. rice cultivation is well-suited to countries and regions with low labor costs and high rainfall, as it is labor-intensive to cultivate and requires ample water. however, rice can be grown practically anywhere, even on a steep hill or mountain area with the use of water-controlling terrace systems. although its parent species are native to asia and certain parts of africa, centuries of trade and exportation have made it commonplace in many cultures worldwide. production and consumption of rice is estimated to have been responsible for 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions in 2010.



Rice is the seed of the grass species oryza sativa (asian rice) or less commonly oryza glaberrima (african rice). the name wild rice is usually used for species of the genera zizania and porteresia, both wild and domesticated, although the term may also be used for primitive or uncultivated varieties of oryza. as a cereal grain, domesticated rice is the most widely consumed staple food for over half of the world's human population, especially in asia and africa. it is the agricultural commodity with the third-highest worldwide production, after sugarcane and maize. since sizable portions of sugarcane and maize crops are used for purposes other than human consumption, rice is the most important food crop with regard to human nutrition and caloric intake, providing more than one-fifth of the calories consumed worldwide by humans. there are many varieties of rice and culinary preferences tend to vary regionally. the traditional method for cultivating rice is flooding the fields while, or after, setting the young seedlings. this simple method requires sound irrigation planning but reduces the growth of less robust weed and pest plants that have no submerged growth state, and deters vermin. while flooding is not mandatory for the cultivation of rice, all other methods of irrigation require higher effort in weed and pest control during growth periods and a different approach for fertilizing the soil. rice, a monocot, is normally grown as an annual plant, although in tropical areas it can survive as a perennial and can produce a ratoon crop for up to 30 years. rice cultivation is well-suited to countries and regions with low labor costs and high rainfall, as it is labor-intensive to cultivate and requires ample water. however, rice can be grown practically anywhere, even on a steep hill or mountain area with the use of water-controlling terrace systems. although its parent species are native to asia and certain parts of africa, centuries of trade and exportation have made it commonplace in many cultures worldwide. production and consumption of rice is estimated to have been responsible for 4% of global greenhouse gas emissions in 2010.


Roasted eggplant

Eggplant (us, canada, australia), aubergine (uk, ireland) or brinjal (indian subcontinent, singapore, malaysia, south africa) is a plant species in the nightshade family solanaceae. solanum melongena is grown worldwide for its edible fruit. most commonly purple, the spongy, absorbent fruit is used in several cuisines. typically used as a vegetable in cooking, it is a berry by botanical definition. as a member of the genus solanum, it is related to the tomato, chili pepper, and potato, although those are of the new world while the eggplant is of the old world. like the tomato, its skin and seeds can be eaten, but, like the potato, it is usually eaten cooked. eggplant is nutritionally low in macronutrient and micronutrient content, but the capability of the fruit to absorb oils and flavors into its flesh through cooking expands its use in the culinary arts. it was originally domesticated from the wild nightshade species thorn or bitter apple, s. incanum, probably with two independent domestications: one in south asia, and one in east asia. in 2018, china and india combined accounted for 87% of the world production of eggplants.



Seafood is any form of sea life regarded as food by humans, prominently including fish and shellfish. shellfish include various species of molluscs (e.g. bivalve molluscs such as clams, oysters and mussels, and cephalopods such as octopus and squid), crustaceans (e.g. shrimp, crabs, and lobster), and echinoderms (e.g. sea cucumbers and sea urchins). historically, marine mammals such as cetaceans (whales and dolphins) as well as seals have been eaten as food, though that happens to a lesser extent in modern times. edible sea plants such as some seaweeds and microalgae are widely eaten as sea vegetables around the world, especially in asia. seafood is an important source of (animal) protein in many diets around the world, especially in coastal areas. semi-vegetarians who consume seafood as the only source of meat are said to adhere to pescetarianism. the harvesting of wild seafood is usually known as fishing or hunting, while the cultivation and farming of seafood is known as aquaculture and fish farming (in the case of fish). most of the seafood harvest is consumed by humans, but a significant proportion is used as fish food to farm other fish or rear farm animals. some seafoods (i.e. kelp) are used as food for other plants (a fertilizer). in these ways, seafoods are used to produce further food for human consumption. also, products such as fish oil and spirulina tablets are extracted from seafoods. some seafood is fed to aquarium fish, or used to feed domestic pets such as cats. a small proportion is used in medicine, or is used industrially for nonfood purposes (e.g. leather).



Sheep or domestic sheep (ovis aries) are domesticated, ruminant mammals typically kept as livestock. although the term sheep can apply to other species in the genus ovis, in everyday usage it almost always refers to ovis aries. like all ruminants, sheep are members of the order artiodactyla, the even-toed ungulates. numbering a little over one billion, domestic sheep are also the most numerous species of sheep. an adult female is referred to as a ewe (), an intact male as a ram, occasionally a tup, a castrated male as a wether, and a young sheep as a lamb. sheep are most likely descended from the wild mouflon of europe and asia, with iran being a geographic envelope of the domestication center. one of the earliest animals to be domesticated for agricultural purposes, sheep are raised for fleeces, meat (lamb, hogget or mutton) and milk. a sheep's wool is the most widely used animal fiber, and is usually harvested by shearing. ovine meat is called lamb when from younger animals and mutton when from older ones in commonwealth countries, and lamb in the united states (including from adults). sheep continue to be important for wool and meat today, and are also occasionally raised for pelts, as dairy animals, or as model organisms for science. sheep husbandry is practised throughout the majority of the inhabited world, and has been fundamental to many civilizations. in the modern era, australia, new zealand, the southern and central south american nations, and the british isles are most closely associated with sheep production. there is a large lexicon of unique terms for sheep husbandry which vary considerably by region and dialect. use of the word sheep began in middle english as a derivation of the old english word scēap; it is both the singular and plural name for the animal. a group of sheep is called a flock. many other specific terms for the various life stages of sheep exist, generally related to lambing, shearing, and age. being a key animal in the history of farming, sheep have a deeply entrenched place in human culture, and find representation in much modern language and symbology. as livestock, sheep are most often associated with pastoral, arcadian imagery. sheep figure in many mythologies—such as the golden fleece—and major religions, especially the abrahamic traditions. in both ancient and modern religious ritual, sheep are used as sacrificial animals.


Sikaha ha'ania kiu

Eggplant, fish or mud shell (kiu), vegetables and noodles in coconut milk and spices


Slippery cabbage soup


Slippery cabbage with coconut cream


Slippery cabbage with giant taro

Side, Snack, Appetizer

Solomon Islands tomato sauce

Side, Snack, Appetizer


A spice is a seed, fruit, root, bark, or other plant substance primarily used for flavoring or coloring food. spices are distinguished from herbs, which are the leaves, flowers, or stems of plants used for flavoring or as a garnish. spices are sometimes used in medicine, religious rituals, cosmetics or perfume production. for example, vanilla is commonly used as an ingredient in fragrance manufacturing.a spice may be available in several forms: fresh, whole dried, or pre-ground dried. generally, spices are dried. spices may be ground into a powder for convenience. a whole dried spice has the longest shelf life, so it can be purchased and stored in larger amounts, making it cheaper on a per-serving basis. a fresh spice, such as ginger, is usually more flavorful than its dried form, but fresh spices are more expensive and have a much shorter shelf life. some spices are not always available either fresh or whole, for example turmeric, and often must be purchased in ground form. small seeds, such as fennel and mustard seeds, are often used both whole and in powder form. although health benefits are often claimed for spices, there is not currently good evidence for this.india contributes to 75% of global spice production. this is reflected culturally through their cuisine; historically, the spice trade developed throughout the indian subcontinent, as well as in east asia and the middle east. europe's demand for spices was among the economic and cultural factors that encouraged exploration in the early modern period.


Steamed potato in bambu

Potatoes and slippery cabbage cooked in a bamboo tube

Dessert, Sweet

Steamed pumpkin

Coconut cream custard steamed inside a cleaned-out pumpkin


Steamed slippery cabbage

Steamed slippery cabbage with grated coconut, tomatoes and shallots


Stir fried yard long beans

Stir frying (chinese: 炒; pinyin: chǎo) is a chinese cooking technique in which ingredients are fried in a small amount of very hot oil while being stirred or tossed in a wok. the technique originated in china and in recent centuries has spread into other parts of asia and the west. it is similar to sautéing in western cooking technique. scholars think that wok (or pan) frying may have been used as early as the han dynasty (206 b.c. – 220 a.d.) for drying grain, not for cooking, but it was not until the ming dynasty (1368–1644) that the wok reached its modern shape and allowed quick cooking in hot oil. well into the 20th century, while only restaurants and affluent families could afford the oil and fuel needed for stir fry, the most widely used cooking techniques remained boiling and steaming. stir fry cooking came to predominate over the course of the century as more people could afford oil and fuel, and in the west spread beyond chinese communities.stir frying and chinese food have been recommended as both healthy and appealing for their skillful use of vegetables, meats, and fish which are moderate in their fat content and sauces which are not overly rich, provided calories are kept at a reasonable level.the english-language term "stir-fry" was coined by yuen ren chao in buwei yang chao's book how to cook and eat in chinese (1945), to describe the chǎo technique. although using "stir-fry" as a noun is commonplace in english, in chinese, the word 炒 (chǎo) is used as a verb or adjective only.


Sweet pepper with taiyo

Sweet peppers with tinned tuna

Side, Snack, Appetizer

Sweet potato

The sweet potato or sweetpotato (ipomoea batatas) is a dicotyledonous plant that belongs to the bindweed or morning glory family, convolvulaceae. its large, starchy, sweet-tasting tuberous roots are used as a root vegetable. the young shoots and leaves are sometimes eaten as greens. cultivars of the sweet potato have been bred to bear tubers with flesh and skin of various colors. sweet potato is only distantly related to the common potato (solanum tuberosum), both being in the order solanales. although darker sweet potatoes are often referred to as "yams" in parts of north america, the species is not a true yam, which are monocots in the order dioscoreales.sweet potato is native to the tropical regions of the americas. of the approximately 50 genera and more than 1,000 species of convolvulaceae, i. batatas is the only crop plant of major importance—some others are used locally (e.g., i. aquatica "kangkong"), but many are poisonous. the genus ipomoea that contains the sweet potato also includes several garden flowers called morning glories, though that term is not usually extended to i. batatas. some cultivars of i. batatas are grown as ornamental plants under the name tuberous morning glory, and used in a horticultural context.


Sweet tomato soup


Taiyo and vegetable omelette

Side, Snack, Appetizer


Colocasia esculenta is a tropical plant grown primarily for its edible corms, a root vegetable most commonly known as taro (), among many other names (see § names and etymology below). it is the most widely cultivated species of several plants in the family araceae that are used as vegetables for their corms, leaves, and petioles. taro corms are a food staple in african, oceanic, and south asian cultures (similar to yams), and taro is believed to have been one of the earliest cultivated plants.



Tea is an aromatic beverage prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over cured or fresh leaves of camellia sinensis, an evergreen shrub native to china, india and other east asian countries. tea is also rarely made from the leaves of camellia taliensis. after water, it is the most widely consumed drink in the world. there are many different types of tea; some have a cooling, slightly bitter, and astringent flavour, while others have vastly different profiles that include sweet, nutty, floral, or grassy notes. tea has a stimulating effect in humans primarily due to its caffeine content.tea plants are native to east asia and probably originated in the borderlands of southwestern china and northern burma. an early credible record of tea drinking dates to the third century ad, in a medical text written by hua tuo. it was popularised as a recreational drink during the chinese tang dynasty, and tea drinking subsequently spread to other east asian countries. portuguese priests and merchants introduced it to europe during the 16th century. during the 17th century, drinking tea became fashionable among the english, who started to plant tea on a large scale in india. the term herbal tea refers to drinks not made from camellia sinensis. they are the infusions of fruit, leaves, or other plant parts, such as steeps of rosehip, chamomile, or rooibos. these may be called tisanes or herbal infusions to prevent confusion with tea made from the tea plant.

Side, Snack, Appetizer

Tomato sauce

Tomato sauce (also known as salsa roja in spanish or salsa di pomodoro in italian) can refer to many different sauces made primarily from tomatoes, usually to be served as part of a dish, rather than as a condiment. tomato sauces are common for meat and vegetables, but they are perhaps best known as bases for sauces for mexican salsas and italian pasta dishes. tomatoes have a rich flavor, high water content, soft flesh which breaks down easily, and the right composition to thicken into a sauce when stewed without the need of thickeners such as roux or masa. all of these qualities make them ideal for simple and appealing sauces. in countries such as the united kingdom, india, australia, new zealand, and south africa, the term tomato sauce is used to describe a condiment similar to what americans call tomato ketchup. in some of these countries, both terms are used for the condiment.

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